
Lake Champlain, Lake George, and the Adiorandaks

As we leave Gigi's and drive to Montreal, we will be driving through some very beautiful country.

It is a 3 hour drive, 170 miles, to Montreal.(3 hours 45 if we take the smaller road that goes by Lake George).

Lake George

Depending on the route we take we may pass by Lake George (about a 45 minute detour).

Lake Champlain

We will definitely pass by Lake Champlain.


We will be passing by the Adirondaks

The Adirondack Mountains are an unusual geological formation located in the northeastern lobe of Upstate New York. 

The Adirondacks do not form a connected range such as the Rocky Mountains of the Western United States. They are instead an eroded dome consisting of many peaks, either isolated or in groups, often with little apparent order. There are over one hundred summits, ranging from under 1,200 feet (366 m) to over 5,000 feet (1,524 m) in elevation; the highest peak, Mount Marcy, at 5,344 feet (1,629 m), is near the eastern part of the group. Only two mountains, Mount Marcy and Algonquin are over 5000 feet.

 Unlike linear mountain ranges that form along tectonic plate boundaries, the Adirondack mountains resemble a dome. They were formed by the recent uplift and exposure of previously deeply buried metamorphic and igneous rocks over a billion years old

 360 view from summit of Mount Marcy.

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