

Monticello is Thomas Jefferson's home.

There are 43 rooms in the structure, 33 in the house itself. The home is about 11,000 sq'. There are 8 fireplaces.

Construction began in 1769 and was completed in 1784. The home was enlarged in 1796 and again in 1809.

It cost somewhere around $100,000 to build the property (their dollars not ours).

About 60% of the furnishings are original items Jefferson owned. Other items are period pieces or reproductions of original pieces.

Cost to visit: $174.

Monticello's West Front

 Walkway to Monticello's East Front

 Monticello's Dining Room Monticello's South Square Room

 Monticello's Parlor

Monticello's Tea Room

 Aerial of Mulberry Row, Vegetable Garden Terrace, and South Orchard

Winding Walk on Monticello's West Lawn

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